The National Science Foundation (NSF) is one of the 11 Federal agencies participating in the $2.6 Billion Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and the most flexible regarding what topics the agency funds.
Barbara Stoller, SBIR Coach at ABQid, will lead the workshop. “NSF was chosen as a focus for this workshop because it funds the most varied topics. And the timing is right, June 14 is next deadline for NSF proposals, allowing adequate time to develop a competitive NSF proposal,” said Barbara.
The NSF program encourages the submission of innovative proposals that show promise of commercial and societal impact in almost all areas of technology. Another advantage with NSF is the Phase I funding limit is $225,000 and covers up to nine months of feasibility effort. Most SBIR agencies fund their Phase I feasibility study for six months at a maximum of $150,000.
NSF recognizes that innovation often cannot be categorized. Generally NSF topics are suggestions and do not preclude the submission of a proposal in any area of technology. This is unlike many of the other Federal SBIR agencies that award contracts with specific topics and specifications and do not evaluate unsolicited proposals.
The following wide-range of topic areas are used internally to guide the logistics of the review process but do not affect award decisions:
- Biological and biomedical technologies
- Information technologies
- Internet of things
- Semiconductors and photonics devices
- Advanced materials and instrumentation
- Electronic hardware, robotics and wireless technologies
- Advanced manufacturing and nanotechnology.
The SBIR event is FREE, but space is limited and registration is required: