NMBio will continue to keep its constituents informed of not only local and state bioscience news, but also national news via our parent organization BIO International. If you have news to share please contact us via email and we will add it to our website and newsletters.
NMBio News
NMBio Board Member
Chosen for NM-RIO
September 2024 - The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), on Aug. 20, selected a multi-institution research group in New Mexico, led by the University of New Mexico, for an $8 million award to promote "the development of research competitiveness" in select states and territories, according to the NSF's website.
Local Student Nominated
for BioGENEius Award
NMBio has chosen Arjun Ganesh, a senior at Albuquerque Academy, as its candidate for the BioGENEius Challenge Competition. Through its longstanding partnership with the Biotechnology Institute, each year NMBio has the opportunity to nominate an innovative high school junior or senior who is conducting groundbreaking biotechnology research and is poised to become a next-generation scientist.
NMBio Takes on House Bill 78
House Bill 78 attempts to prohibit drug manufacturers from restricting 340B drug access to entities and their contract pharmacies in New Mexico. NMBio opposes this legislation and has offered guidance.
Life Science News from BIO